Tuesday, 8 November 2011



                            PART ONE
·        The club shall be known and referred to as “THE STINGERS HOCKEY CLUB
·        The club’s office and premises shall be found within the institution of TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KENYA
·        The club shall be formal constituting of any interested hockey player and fan;
·        It shall not constitute of members less than five.
The club shall be designed in such away to pursue the following objectives and aims:
·        To nurture and expose talents and skills in hockey from self motivated individuals;
·        To equip such persons with more skills in the sport through trainings;
·        To foster the spirit of  togetherness, co-operation, oneness and encouragement;
·        To create links with other hockey clubs and thus utilize the facilities and privileges that comes in hand.
·        Encourage members’ participation in league matches, friendly matches and tournaments;
·        Develop skills and leadership qualities through high profile interactions;
·        Expose the playing unit to hockey playing as a recreation.



There shall only be full membership with the club.

·        The members can be hockey players who shall be known as the ‘Playing unit’ and other interested individuals who shall be referred to as the ‘Fans’.
·        Eligible member shall be required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of ksh150 once they join the club after dully filling a new member’s form;
·        Playing units shall pay a semester subscription of ksh300 and fans ksh200;
·        Any delay to pay the above stated subscription, one will be required to pay a fine of 10% of the unpaid amount;
·        Both the registration fee and semester subscription are subject to change in an annual general meeting;
·        Failure to pay the subscriptions for two consecutive semesters, one’s membership is withdrawn and will be required to re-register.
·        Members shall be allowed to seek office based on the provisions of this constitution;
·        Members shall have the right to access all relevant information pertaining to the club such as minutes of meetings, account reports which should be produced after seven days on requisition and disciplinary committee reports if any;
·        Members shall have the right to participate in all valid and authorized activities organized by the club;
·        of members shall have the right to petition the  office of the chairperson and demand for an extraordinary meeting;
·        All members shall be provided with the accounts information a week before a monthly meeting;
·        Fans shall have a right to question about the club’s performance game wise and demand for good results;
·        New players are entitled to be given part of the required playing kit.
·        All members will be expected to abide to the club objectives;
·        Shall attend to all meetings organized by the club;
·        Assist financially if called upon to do so;
·        Must have a stingers T-shirt and key holder (optional).
Playing unit
·        Must be a fully registered member;
·        Should attend up to at least ¾ of all trainings, failure to which without good reason one misses the next scheduled game;
·        Must attend all monthly meetings; missing one such meeting without good reason, one misses the next scheduled match besides paying a fine of ksh100 or ksh50 for missing one KHU or two non-KHU matches respectively;
·        Missing two or more of monthly meetings without a solid reason, one is suspended for a whole season.
Non-playing unit
·        To attend to of all games played and give morale to the players;
·        To market the club in any way possible they can.
Partial withdrawal
Without proper reasons and apologies, such kind of withdrawal will be based on:
·        Failure to pay subscription fees for two consecutive semesters;
·        Indiscipline cases of which one is required to face the disciplinary committee before being taken back;
·        Missing three consecutive monthly meetings; one will be required to pay 15% of the semester subscription to be taken back.
Permanent withdrawal
·        Committing all the above shortcomings or re-committing them subsequently;
·        Personal willingness to leave the club;
·        Disclosing club’s confidential information;
·        As a result of a member passing on.


The club shall consist of the following structure:

·        Shall be the overall head of the club to assist in day to day affairs.
·        The coach shall assist in the running of the club besides coaching the playing unit.
Executive committee
·        Shall be the supreme body of the club;
·        It shall conduct the affairs as well as in the running of the club;
·        It shall consist of the following six members:
o   Chairperson
o   Secretary
o   Welfare officer
o   Treasurer
o   Project manager
o   Security officer
·        Members of the committee shall be elected annually;
·        Meetings for the committee shall be held every one week before monthly meetings;
·        Failure of a member to attend the committee meeting for two consecutive times without reasonable cause the member shall cease from being an executive member and their seat declared vacant and thus be filled as per the provisions of this constitution.
Duties of the executive committee:
·        Shall conduct and manage the affairs of the club ensuring the laid objectives are met;
·        Shall ensure that accurate records and the books of account are kept up to date;
·        Shall lay before monthly meetings all documents and accounts pertaining to the club affairs;
·        Shall announce through chairperson any vacant positions during monthly meetings;
·        Shall openly appoint various committees to oversee certain arising matters;
·         Shall provide agenda before meetings to the members via the necessary   e-mail addresses.
·        Shall preside over all the general meetings as well as convene them;
·        Shall carry out duties as directed by the club;
·        Arrange the venue for the meetings;
·        Update the coach and the patron of any issues arising in the club.
·        Shall take minutes of all meetings held;
·        Shall ensure the venue of the meeting is fully set before the start of the meetings;
·        Shall have custody of all records pertaining to the club.
Welfare officer
·        Ensure that the rights of the members are catered for within and outside the club;
·        Ensure equity is observed to all members in the club;
·        Ensure, with the help of the captain that the playing unit get any necessary medical attention;
·        Shall co-ordinate with the office of the treasurer to assist any needy members.

·        Shall manage the finance of the club;
·        Shall make payment on behalf of the club;
·        Shall keep and prepare all accounting and audit reports to be presented at the monthly meetings and AGM.
Project manager
·        Shall make follow up of started projects to completion;
·        Organize for refreshments in the meeting if need be;
·        Shall make research on profitable projects to be invested in by the club;
·        Shall assist the treasurer collect money for all agreed projects;
·        Shall work with the welfare office to discharge special programmes mostly requisitions by needy members of the playing unit.
Security officer
·        Shall guarantee security to all club members;
·        Shall take necessary security action to any indiscipline member according to the chairperson’s directive during meetings;
·        Shall safeguard the properties of members during club trips and outings;
·        Shall assist the treasurer to collect cash from members.
Members of the committee shall cease office only on the following grounds:
·        When they resign;
·        In case one passes on;
·        After a vote of no confidence by a majority as a result of misconduct and abuse of office;
·        If one fails to pay their semester subscription.
Disciplinary committee
·        There shall be a disciplinary committee to discipline any wayward members;
·        It shall consist of four members as stated below:
o   Coach
o   Chairperson-secretary to the committee
o   Welfare officer
o   One non-executive member
·        If it is the chairperson or welfare officer facing the committee, another executive officer takes his position;
·        Such an officer shall be chosen by the other executive officers.
Annual General Meeting
·        Shall be held once every year;
·        It shall be presided over by the executive committee chairperson;
·        Notice of it in writing shall be issued 21 days prior to the meeting;
·        Shall be held in an enclosed environment with the agenda provided on the floor.
Monthly meeting
·        It shall be held once every month;
·        It shall be on every first Friday of the month unless stated otherwise;
·        Monthly reports shall be presented in this meeting.
Extra- Ordinary Meeting
·        Shall be convened by the executive committee or patron of the club;
·        A notice of 14 days prior to the meeting must be issued;
·        The agenda of such a meeting shall be provided on the floor.

All quorums that constitute a meeting shall be of the club membership number.



The club shall generate finances to run it from the following sources:
·                    Registration of members;
·                    Semester subscription;
·                    From profitable projects carried out;
·                    From sponsors;
·                    Collecting fines and penalties;
·                    Interests up to 10% on loans given to members based on terms and conditions for lending money.
Funds shall be used to pursue objectives of the club besides the following stated below;
·                    Boosting members allowances incase of trips;
·                    Lending to members;
·                    Assisting players who are hurt in the field to get medical attention;
·                    Carrying out profitable projects;
·                    Holding parties;
·                    Provide secretary with cash to send necessary information to members through the given email addresses.
A sum of shs20 shall be given to the secretary for the discharging of the above stated duty.
The terms and condition for lending out club money shall be provided to the treasurer by the club members and should be adhered to.



·        General elections will be held after every 12 months;
·        It shall tally with the second monthly meeting of that year;
·        A member is allowed to contest for a particular seat for at most three times;
·        By-elections will be held in the subsequent monthly meeting following the chairperson’s declaration of such a seat to be vacant.
Participating candidates must have fulfilled the following;
·        Be a registered member having cleared out membership fees;
·        Have approval from at least five members in writing;
·        Should not have arrears with the club;
·        Must be disciplined besides being a very active member;
·        Should not be holding any office at that time;
·        Met all the prerequisites of the election board.
Take of office.
  Newly elected member shall take office after 5 days.
Petitions and appeals
·        Petitions and injunctions shall be made and presented before the election board 7 days after or before the said elections and if the board is unable to settle the issue, further appeals are made to the executive committee;
·        The executive`s committee decision is final.

·        There shall be an election board selected to oversee all elections;
·        It shall be called the Stingers Electoral Commission (SEC);
·        It shall consist of three nominated officers;
·        The officers shall not be or shall not have in the near past served in the executive committee;
·        The members of such a board are not entitled to vote;
·        Elections will be by secret balloting.
This constitution is the constitution of stingers hockey club and shall have full force of adherence and law within the club and if any other rule or regulation under it is inconsistent with the Kenyan constitution, the Kenyan constitution shall prevail and render that rule null and void.
  Note is hereby taken that this constitution is subject to change upon the convening of an AGM.

We the members of stinger’s hokey club:
Committed to nurturing and exploring the talents and skills of the persons within and around; RECOGNISING the aspirations of many, AWARE of the ideas and interests of such persons and available facilities within our disposal; CONFORMING and ABIDING by the Kenyan constitution;
Do hereby establish, adopt, enact and give ourselves and future generations this constitution.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a good katiba, so lets use it to make stingers the club we want.
